Supported cryptos


Proptee supports cryptocurrency deposits on the Ethereum (ETH) and Polygon (Matic) blockchains.

Supported cryptos:

  • USDC (Circle USD)

All funds deposited in USDC will be exchanged into EURS (Stasis Euro).



We charge €0 per deposit. It's completely free to deposit USDC on Polygon. You only need to pay the gas fees for Polygon transactions. For current gas fees, check Polygonscan.


We charge €0 per deposit. It's completely free to deposit USDC on Ethereum too. For current gas fees, check Etherscan.


For security reasons, we require cryptocurrency deposits to receive a number of confirmations on its blockchain before the funds can be credited to your account.

Therefore, deposits can take up to 5 mins to arrive, so do not panic if you don't see your balance updated immediately.

CryptocurrencyConfirmations requiredEstimated Time

USDCoin on ETH

125 blocks

5 mins

USDC on Polygon

128 blocks

4-5 mins


We do NOT currency support cryptocurrency withdrawals. This means that while you can fund your Proptee account using USDC, at the moment you can only withdraw to a EUR bank account via SEPA.

We can only send fiat funds to bank accounts with the same name as your Proptee profile.

We are working on cryptocurrency withdrawals and will be releasing them soon.

Last updated